Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sharing Baby Number 5

We had waited nearly 14 weeks before we shared the news of our last pregnancy. We'd had a miscarriage 4 months before, and wanted to be "sure" things were o.k. before we told everyone we were expecting. Our pregnancy with Ellise was absolutely perfect, not one concern; a completely natural birth with our AMAZING midwife Laurice Dunning, and a beautiful baby girl. Once we found out we were expecting again we couldn't wait to share the news with our friends and family.

While, I think most of our family was initially shocked, we found that nearly everyone we told was practically jumping for joy. Again, and again when I told other moms, I was met with overwhelming support, excitement, and congratulations. I had expected the opposite. (5 babies? Are you CRAZY? Were you TRYING?) I was pleasantly surprised at how warmly our new addition was embraced. To add to our joy,within two weeks we found out that 2 of our friends were also (surprisingly) expecting within a week of us!!! Oh, what fun we would have with our new babies!

What had started out as an unexpected surprise had turned out to be a huge excitement. I remember sitting at a traffic light thinking "Wow, God knew what he was doing." While I had always felt blessed with beautiful children, the new pregnancy had somehow flipped a switch inside me. I found myself looking at our life, taking a contented breath and thanking God for a wonderful marriage to my life's best friend, healthy, fast growing children, and a life that I just could not be happier with. God had been particularly good to us, and I was more grateful than ever.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3, 5-6

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