I just had a feeling. There wasn't anything specific, I felt fine, and I wasn't late...I just knew. I guess after 4 babies, a mommy can sense a new pregnancy immediately. We hadn't exactly been planning for another baby quite yet, but there's something about a positive home pregnancy test that changes your entire outlook on the future.
I walked into our bedroom where my poor unsuspecting husband had barely so much as opened an eye to the day, sat on the side of the bed, and said something that I think came out like "can I talk to you I'm pregnant" in one breath. So much for all of the creative ideas I had running through my head of how to give him the news. The poor thing sort of looked at me blankly for a moment...and then said "how do you know?" as if he thought maybe I'd seen it in a dream, or had some other unreliable source of this very exciting, but surprising piece of information. At this, I eagerly whipped the pregnancy test from my robe pocket like it was some sort of newly discovered treasure. (sadly, in my enthusiasm I forgot exactly how dangerous this can be, and managed to baptize my shell shocked hubby with the contents of the test stick) After a couple of "I'm sorrys" and a good laugh, we both laid back, took a deep breath and contemplated this new chapter in our lives. It was official, we were expecting a baby.
The first few days that we knew we were pregnant were a bit like a walk in the backyard on a foggy morning. We knew it was familiar ground, but everything appeared different. Little did we know then how different everything would soon be, and how irreversibly our lives would be changed by the little person growing inside me.
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